The firm's tax law orientation combined with cross-divisional special knowledge in company-relevant areas of commercial law enables us to offer comprehensive legal advice. Together with you, we develop competent and effective solutions to your business and tax law issues. We implement your wishes trough creative and sustainable arrangements within the scope of the law. At the same time, we keep an eye on current developments in legislation, jurisdiction and administration.
Tax procedures/conflict resolution
- Submission of applications for binding information (Verbindliche Auskunft, § 89 Fiscal Code of Germany, AO)
- Objection procedures before tax offices
- Conduct of fiscal court proceedings
- Accompaniment of criminal tax proceedings/ assumption of defense; especially in the case of opening proceedings in tax audits
- Expert opinion in court proceedings on tax, commercial law and economic issues
Company founding and tax planning
- Legal form advice, especially for civil-law association (GbR), partnership in commerce/ general partnership (OHG), limited partnership with a private limited company as general partner (GmbH & Co. KG), limited liability company (GmbH), joint stock corporation (AG)
- Structure selection for operative business
- Drafting of contracts under company law and supervision of the implementation steps by the notary public
- Restructurings/ changes of the legal form/ transformations; in particular mergers, spin-offs, demergers, real division, contribution
- Asset Allocation
- Liquidation of companies
M&A transactions/ corporate tax law
- Support and implementation of company acquisitions/disposals
- Legal and tax due diligence
- Special income tax constellations such as company split (Betriebsaufspaltung) or special business assets (Sonderbetriebsvermögen)
- Avoidance of tax realization in case of the lack of liquidity inflow
- Real estate transactions; especially tax aspects such as input tax deduction for business use and other VAT subjects
Inheritance law and succession planning
- Inheritance and german inheritance tax planning and contractual implementation; in particular last wills, inheritance contracts, waiver of compulsory portion, usufruct designs
- Legal and tax planning of gifts and contractual implementation
- Advice for family offices
- Provision planning (power of attorney for health care, advanced health care directions and custody of persons of full age)
- Solutions under use of foundations for succession and inheritance tax planning
Financing and restructuring consulting
- Support in negotiations for new/refinancing and contractual implementation
- Profitability checks of planned investments; e.g. photovoltaic plants
- Accompaniment of restructuring transactions
- Preparation of restructuring/financing concepts for avoiding insolvency
- Conducting negotiations on deferrals, (partial) waivers, payment in instalments plans
- Conducting settlement negotiations
General commercial law
- Commercial, corporate and group law
- Shareholder dispute
- Preparation/examination of contracts; e.g. rental contracts, employment contracts
- Advice in employment as managing director
- Managing director and board liability (D&O)